Friday, January 9, 2015

the perfect candidate

I have now had 12 ultrasounds since Christmas Eve morning; much more than the average mama bear ;) My stomach is over it and so is my racing heart. That machine gives me anxiety! I can't decide which is worse; to look at the machine or the ultrasound techs face. I went for my last follow up ultrasound to determine surgery this past Wednesday. The a-cardiac triplet has grown so it is definitely necessary to move forward with the microwave ablasion before the situation becomes more risky say in a month from now. I will report on Wednesday January 14th at 5 am  at Carolina Medicl Center in Charlotte and surgery will start at 7am.  I should be all done by 830am and have a contraction band placed on my belly for 24 hours and then the babies will have an ultrasound on Thursday morning and they will be fine and I will go home and take it easy! Easy right?? RIGHT???

I have to say that I have been fearing the worst and suffering insomnia has not made it easier. I have found my dream homes and cars and the best baby gear but still I worry. 1 Kings 19:12 talks about an earthquake and a fire both of which I feel I have gone through. I was shaken up by this news of twins and yet again by a third mass which was almost a triplet. The fire has been these last two weeks and this impeding surgery. Talk about information overload. I mean they have talking about electric shock and microwaves. Throughout it all I've had this sense of peace and do truly believe our girls will be ok. I hear this still, small voice telling me to relax and that there is nothing to fear. I hear this voice in all the prayers I know are being said.

Dr. Stephenson has sat me down twice now and she has called me the perfect candidate for this surgery. I am the perfect size and health etc. HAHA. I too will hold on to this hope and still small voice that I am perfect for this surgery and this situation and therefore the surgery and the girls will be perfectly healthy.

J.T. and I thank you all from the bottom of our hearts for caring and praying for us and our family. We truly are blessed with incredible family and friends. Did I mention my sister in law KC is working remotely from here for the quarter. She literally is packing up her life in LA and moving here to take care of Troy, Kay and I until the girls arrive. As if working on her doctorate at UCLA wasn't enough now she has to deal with an achy mom and tornado of a toddler. We truly are blessed. To all my mommy friends and you know you are thank you for taking care of Troy and all the little things you do on a daily basis to make motherhood so much easier. I am happy my mom will be coming for two weeks and during the surgery. There is nothing like having your mother around. Just thank you to everyone who has offered to help. I am not good at accepting it or asking for it but Lord knows we need it right now. Thank you!

I will keep everyone posted in the days to come.

Cheers, LB


  1. You are so strong and wonderful! I wish I was still down stairs so I could just run up and be there for you. I'm so excited and a little nervous, but I know everything will be fine and I'll get to see 2 of the cutest little girls in the world so soon. I'm just a text or call away. Love you, Me

  2. Lauren,
    Praying you will have great success on Wednesday. I know our LORD's healing hands will be guiding the Doctor's to a successful conclusion. Just know we are all thinking and praying for you and JT at this time.
    Hoping to get to see those new little twins this summer when I come to NC for our family beach vacation, I am trying to get a day to visit with you then Say hi to KC for me and tell her I thank her for being able to be there to help with things for you. If you need me for anything up here in Rochester area please let me know and I will be glad to help in whatever I can do for you. God Bless you and the family. Donna Volmar-Davis

  3. Love you cuz. Praying for you and the babies. Grandmama Bear is on the way.
