There is always a reason to smile everyday even when it is incredibly hard. I am reminded of that every time my children smile and every time the modern wonder of technology lets me see my husbands face from over 8000 miles away. J.T. rarely smiles in pictures but I am telling you his smile is seriously the best. I'm also reminded of it when my family and friends continue to reach out and invest in us mentally and physically as a family. Thank you. It has been hard this week. I've taken moments to myself to have a good cry. Today I wasn't angry that I could not change our situation, just sad. Audrey and Bryn are with me every day, every moment. It's not the New Year but I have some goals in mind.
1: Blog more: At least 2x a week because I know you all just love hearing from me(insert sarcasm)
2 : More date nights with my husband: I want our kids to love the marriage we have. Show them how theirs should be :)
3: Nikon D3200: Use it more, take a class, and get a new lens!
4: Be brave: I am a part of a wonderful group called MOPS( Mothers of Preschoolers), this group has brought me more joy and blessings and toddler relief than I could have even dreamt up. The theme for MOPS this year is "Be You Bravely". If I do this and take the plunge then I can
- be successful in my permanent work from home jobs (Arbonne and Origami Owl)
- have a blog that can help my family financially
- have a husband and children that are simply healthy and happy
- travel the world
5: Reach out: I have to tell myself that even though I am asking people to support my business I am also asking them to invest positively in themselves and others around them.
Arbonne is a pure, safe, and beneficial product that has something for the whole family.
Origami Owl can be personalized and I love that most about it. I will also be looking for small local businesses to support. If you know a local boutique or shop that needs more exposure I will be happy to help. Please put someone in touch with me and I will be happy to blog about it and spread the word. If you know of anyone that is looking to help a "blogger" out please have them reach out to me. I'm ready to make moves This life we have goes so fast!
Cheers, LB