Wednesday, June 11, 2014

greensboro grasshopper's

Albeit a very crowded Thirsty Thursday a group of friends and I(with our boy babies and husbands) decided to make it a go and take in America's favorite past time. I am so glad we did. Although it was a high of 90 degrees during the day the thunderstorm in the late afternoon cooled it off just perfectly enough. We brought blankets for the lawn seats, snacks, and cash for the beer. The boys were all so well behaved and we didn't chase them too too much. If you are ever in Greensboro you should take in a game. The stadium is beautiful and nestled right on the edge of downtown Greensboro. The fans are great and if you can actually focus and watch a game while not sitting in stadium seats... the team isn't half bad also ;) Check out more info on the Hopper's here.

Take it all in baby boy.

Thank goodness there were no faceplants as it was a pretty steep hill. He enjoyed watching the bigger boys rough house, roll down the hill, and attempt to catch foul balls.

Say Cheese, Brantley!

Love these Mom's and their boys. They help me vent and stay sane. All of our boys are within a month of each other!

A little snip of downtown Greensboro behind us. It's not much but it's ours.

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